Another interesting event during the month of July 2009 was organized by Perbadanan Putrajaya in collaboration with the Agriculture Heritage Parkand FAMA. Events "Jom Makan Buah 2009" will be held at 25 to July 27, 2009 at the Taman Warisan Pertanian, Putrajaya began at 10 am to 6 pm. Program at this time the theme is "Select, Pay and eat".
Visitors who join the program must choose and take as many fruits that are required, then to the counter weights and making payments, the next place to eat that was prepared to enjoy the fruits. Price offered is lower than the market price and the pricing is done / controlled by the FAMA. Fruit is sold fresh fruits from Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Kedah, Perak and Selangor. The purpose of this program is to help entrepreneurs to promote and market local fruits under the FAMA apart from being attractive to visitors to Taman Warisan Pertanian.
Interesting, interesting, can not deny the more lively now middle season fruits in the villages, durian, mangosteen, rambutan duku Langsat and so heavy and ripe in the villages. Prices in the village do not ceritalah cheapness, durian about selling jer per basket, not wear behavior pound-pound ni, mangosteen pun dah fell to 80 cents per kg in Pasir Mas, Kelantan.
Good , if we can enjoy the fruits ni ramadhan month before your arrival is scheduled on August 20, 2009 later.
Putrajaya Flower & Garden Festival 2009 (FLORIA 2009)
Another interesting event will be organized at Putrajaya, Malaysia’s administrative capital and once again the Floral City of Putrajaya proud to present FLORIA 2009, featuring ‘Celebration of Colours’ as its theme. Visitors will an encounter exceptional display that will inspire them,taking home fresh ideas and visions of thousands of colourful flowers to beautify their gardens at home. The event which is populary named Putrajaya Flower & garden festival 2009 will be held on 1 to 8 August 2009 at Putrajaya Waterfront, Precint 2.
Interesting activities awaiting guest like Garden Bazaar, Floria Showcase Gardens, School and University Show Gardens, NGO’s Gardens, Special Orchid Highlight, Hort Mart, Corporate Garden, Kiddy Garden and Floral Pavilion. the soft launching of FLORIA 2009 was held at Kelab Tasik Putrajaya on 30th June 2009 by The Minister for Federal Territories YB Dato’ Raja Nong Chik bin Dato’ Raja Zainal Abidin,
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